Confidently Deliver High-Quality Arts Learning Experiences

Whether you're looking to enrich your after-school or summer programs or anything in between, CLARA Classroom provides the tools for any adult facilitator to deliver enriching arts learning experiences to youth confidently.


We provide the framework so you can approach arts learning with confidence! Students and facilitators are provided with video instruction and structured but flexible parameters on how to execute courses and create a flourishing environment for arts learning.

Lessons are structured, sequential, and designed for different grade-level ranges to ensure that all students receive quality arts education.


Every course is carefully crafted so that any certified extended learning provider, parents volunteer, or teacher can confidently deliver high-quality arts programming to students—regardless of training or expertise in the arts!


With CLARA Classroom, you can provide enriching arts learning experiences your students need to fully develop. Research shows that students who feel displaced or dispirited in traditional classrooms settings often find a place to shine and excel outside of the classroom, equipping them with the self-esteem to push themselves intrinsically and find the motivation to work harder.

Implementing CLARA Classroom in Extending Learning programs provides an opportunity for students to explore various art forms outside the classroom and provides a safe environment to make mistakes without fear of failure or judgment from their peers while increasing their confidence.

Contact us to learn how to revolutionize the way teachers and students participate in arts-based learning at your school with CLARA Classroom.